
Healthfully Heather

IBStress-less September Day Three: Masterclass

Published over 2 years ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader,

Welcome to Day Three of the IBStress-Less September Challenge!

Today's message is short and sweet because it's just to remind you to join for the Masterclass later today!

I'll be walking you through my 4-step process for reducing stress - I do this personally every few months and also have many of my clients complete this activity as well.

They're often surprised at what comes up and then having a plan forward helps reduce the feelings of overwhelm that can easily arise.

Make sure to have the challenge workbook downloaded and printed for the Masterclass as the worksheet for Day Three is the foundation of what we will be doing.

Can't wait to see you tonight!

Masterclass details:

(click here to convert for your time zone)

While the Masterclass is hosted on Zoom, it's just like any other webinar. The microphone and video of all participants will be automatically disabled so no need to feel shy, the only person you'll see and hear will be me!

At the end of this session you'll have the chance to ask me any questions that are on your mind - so make sure you tune in live to take advantage of this opportunity!

Day Three Action Step:

After joining for the Masterclass and completing the worksheet during our workshop together, identify one change you can implement today to start reducing stress and overwhelm.

Healthfully Heather

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